Exhibition Report | Hyfertile looks forward to meeting you at the 2023 Ningxia Dairy Industry Conference

On May 28, 2023, the “2023 Ningxia Dairy Industry Conference, 5th Yinchuan International Dairy Industry and Agricultural Machinery Exhibition” was jointly organized by the Ningxia Dairy Industry Association, Ningxia Agricultural Machinery Production and Distribution Association, Ningxia Grassland Association, Gansu Dairy Industry Association, Qinghai Dairy Industry Association, Shanxi Dairy Industry Association, Inner Mongolia Dairy Industry Association, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Dairy Industry Association, and Ningxia Dacheng Exhibition and Display Co., Ltd., held at the Yinchuan International Convention and Exhibition Center. Hyfertille booth number: T143 welcomes everyone to come and exchange ideas with the vast number of breeding enterprises.

At the Ningxia Dairy Expo, Hyfertille Environmental Technology’s Nano Aerobic Fermentation Composting Membrane and Regenerated Bedding Material Conversion System attracted the attention of many exhibitors and breeders, with people constantly coming to the booth to inquire and learn about the products. Hyfertille’s staff provided a detailed introduction to the features and advantages of the products. Many breeders expressed that these two technologies not only improve breeding efficiency, but also protect the environment and reduce pollutant emissions, making them a technology worth promoting.



Hyfertille Environment Technology is a large integrated service provider that combines research and development, production, sales, and services for organic waste resource utilization. The company has been deeply involved in the industry for many years and will continue to innovate while adhering to the concept of “energy-saving, environmental protection, and low-carbon”. We aim to provide high-quality environmental products for the majority of breeding enterprises and high-quality, environmentally friendly, and efficient products and services for animal husbandry.

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. All Hyfertile people will uphold the determination of “strengthening the nation with science and technology, and safeguarding the Beautiful China with new materials,” and strengthen technological innovation in the field of green environmental protection, demonstrate corporate responsibility, and contribute to the construction of a green recycling ecological environment.