“Direct hit scene” 2023 World Apparel Conference, Dr. Wu Huisheng, Chairman of Han Cheng Technology, attended and gave a wonderful speech!

From November 16th to 18th, the highly anticipated 2023 World Apparel Conference was grandly held in Humen, Guangdong. This conference, themed “Global Cooperation, Co-creating the Future,” attracted industry leaders, designers, brand representatives, and experts and scholars from around the world to participate together.

As a comprehensive and international fashion event, the 2023 World Apparel Conference provided a platform for global fashion industry to exchange, innovate, and cooperate. During the three-day conference, a variety of colorful activities were held, including the opening ceremony, themed forums, fashion ceremonies, satellite summits, etc., where participants engaged in in-depth discussions on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the fashion industry.

Dr. Wu Huisheng, Chairman of Han Cheng Technology, was invited to deliver a keynote speech on “Research on the Current Situation and Trend of Functional Protective Film Materials in the Textile and Apparel Industry” at the Fashion Fabric Innovation Conference of the World Apparel Conference. Dr. Wu is a national high-level talent in the field of film materials. Under the theme of “Functional Protective Film Materials,” he delved into how technological innovation is leading the development of the fashion industry, and the importance of global cooperation in driving industry progress.

In his speech, Dr. Wu stated, “The advancement of technology is profoundly impacting our way of life, including the way we dress. The modern consumer’s demand for clothing is no longer just about warmth and aesthetics, but more about pursuing personalization and functionality. Therefore, we need to leverage the power of technological innovation to drive the fashion industry towards a more green and intelligent direction.”

In addition, Dr. Wu also shared Han Cheng Technology’s research results and application cases in the field of functional protective film materials. He pointed out that Han Cheng Technology has successfully developed a variety of functional protective film material products, which have been applied in outdoor sports equipment, military equipment, medical protective clothing, and other fields. The emergence of these products not only meets consumers’ demands for functionality and protection, but also brings new development opportunities to the fashion industry.

After the speech, Dr. Wu accepted interviews from on-site media such as iQiyi, Sohu, China Garment Network, and local media in Humen, addressing questions from reporters.

The 2023 World Apparel Conference is an important event that gathers global fashion forces, showcases the latest achievements, and looks ahead to future trends. Han Cheng Technology, a company with deep expertise in film material technology, will continue to pay attention to the latest developments and trends in the fashion industry, actively explore the combination of technological innovation and fashion design, and further deepen cooperation with global partners to jointly promote the progress and development of the fashion industry.